Orange VIII Initial Selection

We are happy to announce that the initial selection for Orange Group VIII BetaNet node operators can be found here.

As in all our previous selections, our primary goal is to accept the most complete applications that indicate they could meet the hardware and bandwidth requirements and that provide thoughtful answers to the questions posed.

Other factors that play an important role in the decision are the comments the applicants receive in the BetaNet forum and their willingness to respond to questions or provide additional information.

In this initial selection, we have rejected nodes that have not provided their specs or that have not indicated they can meet the previously announced minimum requirements. Additionally we have reached out to a number of nodes to ask for further clarification and are offering them the opportunity to provide some missing information before we publish the final decision. As always, if no response is received, these nodes will not be added to the list.

We have a few countries that are over represented in the network. As we all know, decentralization of the network is key to all of our success, so we need to manage this. These countries are Russia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Canada; with the Russian nodes being the most over represented. While we do not want to exclude eager node operators there were, for example, 102 nodes either in Russia or with operators from Russia in the last pay period. As a result, we will be accepting no new applicants from Russia in this period. This may have to extend to the other three countries in the future (they were home to 44, 43, and 52 nodes respectively).

The Russian nodes for this application period will not be rejected outright, but rather automatically deferred to the next period. With the release of the xxDK, performance on the network has become much more important and we are expecting to work with node operators, specifically those with significantly out of spec upload speed (significantly below 100megabits/s) in order to shore up performance issues. While we hope to retain all nodes, we expect this will cause significant attrition which will open slots for deferred nodes.

For other nodes that were not selected, please keep in mind that this is an initial selection and is subject to change. We strongly encourage participation in the forum and welcome your responses so please let us know why we should reconsider your application!

Thank you,
xx network node team


Nice! Team Orange VIII :raised_hands:t5:

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Hello everyone, I’m very happy that I have been selected for the oranje group VIII. :muscle:t3:


Hi everybody, it’s so cool to be in the initial selection :heart_eyes:
Thank you :pray:t2:


No one from Russia, what could be the reason?

Very logical and transparent process to ensure that responsive applications are through and also geographical distribution is managed well to ensure proper Decentralisation of network.

Two things which I believe could get on more node applications are:

  • Launch of Mainnet

  • Listing of Xx coin



закон яровой)

That answer are official?

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The explanation is in the OP.

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I am very upset that this time my application was not accepted( I hope candidates from Russia are not accepted, really because of the large number, and not for political reasons;)

Guys, I can and really want to participate in this cool project. I will be a serious and responsible node operator. I am for freedom of communication on the Internet, isnt it our goal?) And I behaved accordingly, as in the circle of friends. Perhaps prematurely… Please give me a chance to be part of this comunity. P.S. I already own Hardware for the node.

The Russian nodes for this application period will not be rejected outright, but rather automatically deferred to the next period.

The only russian thing by my node is the language which i also can speak :slight_smile:

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

My mistake. Sorry.

The reason you weren’t selected is because you hadn’t responded to the community’s comments. The first two community comments were negative. I knew you wouldn’t be selected if the only comments were negative. I liked your specs so on the 12th I commented and hoped by appealing to your sense of humor you might engage the community and answer the questions.

You only responded after the Initial Selection was posted.

The value of the network in decentralization and it is clearly correct that the most popular geo should not be increased

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Yes, of course, i understand, tnx!