Orange IX Node Application 12530573637

Respondent ID 12530573637
End Date 03/28/2021 7:14:48 PM
language en
If you have previously applied to be a node please provide us with your application ID. Second-time applicants will be highly considered. You can email us at [email protected] if you don't know your application ID.
City/Town Tokai
State/Province Ibaraki
Country Japan
What languages do you speak? (Please separate with commas so we can parse them) English, Japanese
What is your occupation? Full-Time Node Operator
Non-technical Role or Other (please specify)
How many years experience in your field? 1-3
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA. BS)
Did you purchase xx coins in the xx coin sale? No
Are you an individual or a group? Individual
Node City Tokai
Node State/Province Ibaraki
Node Country Japan
For which networks have you ever operated a node?
  • Other (please specify): PAC Protocol
What kind of improvements would you like to see in xx network nodes vs. previous nodes you have supported? Ease of use.
What are potential setbacks preventing you from operating an xx network node? Cost(if any)
What is the maximum upload bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? As much as needed
What is the maximum download bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? As much as needed
What is a reasonable uptime estimate you can provide for your BetaNet node? 100
Please estimate the cost of electricity in the geographic area where your BetaNet node will be running. I'll use a VPS
On a monthly basis, how much time can you publicly commit to dedicating toward governance if you were selected as a BetaNet node operator?` 100
In what type of environment would this server be located? Personal Home
If your server is located in your personal home, please specify the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Nuro Hikari
If your server is located in a Datacenter, please specify the name of the company hosting it. Nodes will not be allowed to run on Hetzner. If you do, you will not receive compensation.
Do you have past experience deploying hardware servers in a datacenter? No
Do you already own sufficient hardware to meet the published xx network BetaNet Node specifications (found here)? No
Do you have hardware you would like to use but does not meet the stated BetaNet node specs? If so, please provide specs on that hardware below:
Why do you want to be a node? Minaly for passive income and to be a pioneer of an ecosystem. Also, David Chaum is a brilliant man and I support any initiative that he is undertaking.
How did you originally hear about the xx network? Twitter
Which current xx network communities are you a member of?
  • Twitter
  • Discord
Are you an active member of those communities? Yes
What specifically, interests you about the xx network platform? Quantum Secure Hash-based cryptography reall caught my eye. We are headed to a world where quantum computing is becoming popular. We need cryptocurrencies that are resistent to quantum computing attacks.
Outside of xx network communities, are you an active participant in other node or developer community groups? If so, which ones? Yes, PAC Protocol
Have you ever attended a blockchain conference? If so, which one(s)? No
Do you have past experience managing communities or creating content to be distributed across social media? Please enter details for all with which you are comfortable or have experience:
  • Instructional video content: Yes, I am a Youtuber
  • Livestream/broadcast video content: Yes, I am a Youtuber
As part of growing the xx network community, are you willing to create content as part of operating an xx network BetaNet node? Examples would be node setup & on-boarding review vlog post, bi-weekly twitter update, medium review of on-going node operational process, etc. As much as needed!!
Would you be interested in helping to lead the development of the next xx network community? Yes
Why do you want to run a node in the xx network
  • To protect the privacy of political speech
  • To protect private personal communication around health and lifestyle issues from mass surveillance and abuse by centralized organizations
  • To earn xx coins
  • To help build David Chaum's vision of a decentralized world
  • To undo the centralization of the internet by big tech companies
What is the difference between decentralized networks and distributed networks, and where on the decentralization spectrum do you sit? To my understanding, decentralized networks are void of a central authority, but it doesn't mean that all participants have a say as to what happens to the network. Distributed networks allow all participants to have a say as to what goes on on the network.
As best as you can given currently available information, please describe the value proposition of the xx network platform and how it differs from other current blockchain solutions. The xx network is valuable because it relies on metadata shredding. This addresses the potential for outside authorities to track our metadata.
Privacy by Default is a goal of the xx network Platform. In your opinion, why is Privacy by Default critical for the future of the internet? This is critical because it is important for a just world to allow humans to express themselves clearly without the threat of being silenced by central authorities.
In your opinion, what threat, if any, do quantum computers pose toward decentralized systems? What about centralized systems? Quantum computers could destroy centralized systems and replace them with their own. Quantum computers could enhance decentralized systems.
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You should consider hosting at home, building your own server since its better for the network than using datacenters.

I like your application though :slight_smile:

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Decent application however, I’m skeptical about the lack of hardware.Can you obtain the recommend hardware? Would you be able to run the server from home?

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Hi, so I wanted to find a way to run a server from a VPS. This is what I am currently doing with PAC Protocol.

That being said, I am not against getting the necessary hardware. I really want to be a part of this project.

I am looking into the hardware. I would definitely want to be a part of the network!

I like your geo but we need to better understand your HW and location intentions.

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Good application but need specifics on Location and Hardware.

tell me where I need to be more specific please.

Your hardware you intend to use if selected to start with.

Appreciate the mention of centralization by big tech. Can definitely get on board with avoiding this, looks good to me!

with more specification on hardware, this application has my vote!

fantastic application


What kind of a say do you expect you should have about the uses of XX Network that you do not approve of?
And should your say matter in this case (that is, if somebody used the network and your node to transmit messages you do not approve of)?

You have my vote

Fantastic location, got my vote