Many broken imge links

There are many broken image links to https://staging-forum instead of https://forum. Can probably fixed by a host DNS alias or a S&R in content DB.


Can you post the code you are using to insert images in the following 2 discussions?

I need to understand why the images you posted here …

… all seem to be ok.

But not the ones in this one …

I’m at a loss as to how or why is even there.

I used CTRL+P, not any special code, and they used to be fine at the time.

The difference is the one with good image links was posted this week, the bad one was 2 years ago. At the time the images looked fine (and still do, if you correct the link to remove staging- from image URLs).

Maybe the forum had a staging hostname set somewhere, and it was removed since? It’s been a while since I administered Discourse but I think this could be a bug in the s/w or a change in DNS (container name) or Discourse config files.

Ok, will do.

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