MainNet OS Upgrade Procedure

MainNet OS Upgrade Procedure
We recommend the following procedure to upgrade the OS if you operate a MainNet node.

  1. On the node computer, stop the cmix and chain services
    $ sudo systemctl stop xxnetwork-cmix.service xxnetwork-chain.service

  2. On the gateway computer, stop the gateway and chain services
    $ sudo systemctl stop xxnetwork-gateway.service xxnetwork-chain.service

  3. Perform an upgrade on both computers
    $ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

  4. Reboot both computers
    $ sudo shutdown -r now

As a precaution, to reduce the possibility of cmix downtime due to the chain not being synced after rebooting, it is highly recommended you stop the cmix and gateway services, ensure chain is in sync on both computers, and then start the cmix and gateway services once again.

  1. On the node computer, stop the cmix service
    $ sudo systemctl stop xxnetwork-cmix.service

  2. On the gateway computer, stop the gateway service
    $ sudo systemctl stop xxnetwork-gateway.service

  3. On both computer you will check the chain.log is synced by running
    $ tail -F /opt/xxnetwork/log/chain.log

You will want to check that log messages which read ✨ Imported and 💤 Idle are scrolling by similar to those shown below …

2022-03-09 19:03:12 ✨ Imported #1603003 (0xf7f4…6e56)
2022-03-09 19:03:13 💤 Idle (50 peers), best: #1603003 (0xf7f4…6e56), finalized #1603001 (0x2423…9202), ⬇ 480.4kiB/s ⬆ 700.4kiB/s

Once you are seeing these messages you can terminate the log viewing by pressing Ctrl+c and proceed to the next steps.

  1. On the node computer, start the cmix service
    $ sudo systemctl start xxnetwork-cmix.service

  2. On the gateway computer, start the gateway process
    $ sudo systemctl start xxnetwork-gateway.service

No further actions should be required. In 3-5 minutes of restarting the cmix and gateway services, if the node is OFFLINE on the MainNet dashboard, you should check the cmix.log and/or gateway.log for insight as to why it is not ONLINE.

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