Liquidity idea

Here’s a proposal to improve liquidity.
I believe we need someone competent, who knows people and understands the importance of XX for society. I suggest we get in touch with Anice Lajnef, a former French trader. He has worked for Nomura, Barclays, and Societe Generale.

This is not a maximalist or any other influencer doing this for money. I believe he genuinely wants to change society for better. In his discussions, he focuses on society and the issues of economie/ financial markets/ politics… He rarely talks about blockchain in the end. During an intervention on cryptocurrencies, he says that the ideal currency is close to BTC and acknowledges that we can do better. He talks about public voting for issuance, that we need to get out of the debt-based mojney system. I clearly recognize XX in these statements.
I don’t know if he is aware about privacy stuff.
Find a way for him to look into the projects and learn about Phoenixx, BTM, VoteXX, Chaum, and I think he will agree.
Who knows, maybe he’ll help us… Let’s try!!!