How-To Propose Regional/Geographic Multipliers

How-To Propose Regional/Geographic Multipliers

This is far from a point-and-click process so my intention is to walk through the process and provide sample commands and sample output that can be used to compare what you do and see. Most of this is already documented so this attempts to show a more fluid way which will hopefully encourage others to take the reins and propose updates regularly or as often as the network requires.

Note: Previously the historical data required to make use of the script was provided in a static file. Changes have been made to the Multiplier Calculator script so it now gathers the required data from our servers and can be run weekly or monthly without the need for the team to provide a static historical data file.

I make use of the following resources in this How-To if you wish to get familiar with them before you start.

1. Calculate New Regional Multipliers

Follow the steps listed in Running the Multiplier Calculator

The terminal commands shown in the wiki and below specify a date range set via --lower-bound and --upper-bound. Generally using one month of data to determine multipliers is a good place to start but if you wish to base the multipliers on a specific range, adjust the variables accordingly.

Below the date range of August 01, 2022 through August 31, 2022 is used.
Modify the --lower-bound and --upper-bound to generate multipliers using your desired date range.

$ python3 ./ --wallet-country-supplement wcm_2col.csv --lower-bound "2022-08-01 00:00" --upper-bound "2022-08-31 23:59"

Sample output of
Got 9417 lines
Lower: 2022-08-01 00:04:42.148862 [2022-08-01 00:00:00], Upper: 2022-08-31 23:54:55.528556 [2022-08-31 23:59:00]
Multipliers calculated from 2022-08-01 00:00 to 2022-08-31 23:59
Bin                      |  Multiplier     |  Avg Mult       |  Max mult       |  Bin prob       |  Avg Nodes/bin  |  Avg Pts/bin    
Oceania                  |  1.30584        |  1.30584        |  1.30584        |  0.09582        |  7              |  0.76579        
SouthernAfrica           |  1.27863        |  1.27993        |  1.29289        |  0.03875        |  3              |  0.78129        
EasternAsia              |  1.24784        |  1.25121        |  1.27853        |  0.13087        |  11             |  0.79923        
SouthAndCentralAmerica   |  1.21337        |  1.22132        |  1.26358        |  0.08483        |  8              |  0.81879        
WesternAsia              |  1.12088        |  1.14503        |  1.22543        |  0.09482        |  10             |  0.87334        
Russia                   |  1.09037        |  1.12130        |  1.21357        |  0.31423        |  48             |  0.89182        
EasternEurope            |  1.05115        |  1.09698        |  1.20141        |  0.18778        |  69             |  0.9116         
MiddleEast               |  1.04124        |  1.09176        |  1.19880        |  0.00521        |  4              |  0.91595        
NorthAmerica             |  0.95654        |  1.04739        |  1.17661        |  0.04284        |  70             |  0.95476        
CentralEurope            |  0.87499        |  1.00641        |  1.15613        |  0.00436        |  44             |  0.99363        
WesternEurope            |  0.86217        |  1.00000        |  1.15292        |  0.00051        |  79             |  1.0   

2. Evaluate Multiplier Values With the Community

There is no guarantee the script will generate perfect multipliers for every bin so at this point you may wish to evaluate these values with the community. I strongly suggest that if you involve the community before submitting the proposal, it will be easier to manage and be a more productive debate and discussion if you conduct it either as …

If you prefer, you can postpone this step until after the proposal has been submitted to the blockchain and it can be held on

3. Modify the Multiplier Values

Once you are satisfied with the multiplier values …

3a. Clone the scripts-py repository …
$ git clone

3b. Change into the scripts-py directory …
$ cd scripts-py/

3c. Open and modify the multiplier values of each bin in the editor of your choice …
$ nano

Ref: Numeric ID of Bins
ID Bin
0 NorthAmerica
1 SouthAndCentralAmerica
2 WesternEurope
3 CentralEurope
4 EasternEurope
5 MiddleEast
6 NorthernAfrica
7 SouthernAfrica
8 Russia
9 EasternAsia
10 WesternAsia
11 Oceania

Find the section of the script seen below and modify the values.

# Example: set all multipliers to 1 (the multiplier value has 3 decimal places)
variables['performance']['multipliers'] = [
    [0, int(0.957*multiplier_decimals)],
    [1, int(1.213*multiplier_decimals)],
    [2, int(0.862*multiplier_decimals)],
    [3, int(0.875*multiplier_decimals)],
    [4, int(1.051*multiplier_decimals)],
    [5, int(1.041*multiplier_decimals)],
    [6, int(1*multiplier_decimals)],
    [7, int(1.279*multiplier_decimals)],
    [8, int(1.090*multiplier_decimals)],
    [9, int(1.248*multiplier_decimals)],
    [10, int(1.121*multiplier_decimals)],
    [11, int(1.306*multiplier_decimals)],

4. Generate and Submit a Preimage

The entire process and more information can already be found at Large Democracy Proposal. I will elaborate on a few key steps.

With the modified and saved …
4a. Run the following to generate the encoded democracy.notePreimage call as a hex string …
$ python3

Sample output of

4b. Follow the instructions to Submit the preimage

4c. Follow the instructions to Create the Democracy Proposal

5. Verify a Democracy Proposal

Two methods to verify the proposal are shown in the Verify a Democracy Proposal wiki page. The first, via the xx network wallet, is difficult to review. But the second, using a script is much easier. The following walks you through how to do so using the script.

5a. Be sure you are in the scripts-py directory you cloned with git …

$ pwd

5b. Using the preimage hash obtained in Create the Democracy Proposal - Step 3, open and modify the hash in the editor of your choice …
$ nano

Find the section of the script seen below and modify the hash.


preimage_hash = '0x4bb101c53c20857f233ab6429bb808ab411b1def18b2cbf2603b1ca1232bdc59'


With the modified and saved …
5c. Run the script and check the values …
$ python3

Sample output of
Multiplier for `North America` changing from 1.023 to 0.957
Multiplier for `South and Central America` changing from 1.267 to 1.213
Multiplier for `Western Europe` changing from 0.873 to 0.862
Multiplier for `Central Europe` changing from 0.962 to 0.875
Multiplier for `Eastern Europe` changing from 0.905 to 1.051
Multiplier for `Middle East` changing from 0.899 to 1.041
Multiplier for `Northern Africa` changing from 1.381 to 1.0
Multiplier for `Southern Africa` changing from 1.381 to 1.279
Multiplier for `Russia` changing from 0.944 to 1.090
Multiplier for `Eastern Asia` changing from 1.402 to 1.248
Multiplier for `Western Asia` changing from 1.211 to 1.121
Multiplier for `Oceania` changing from 1.457 to 1.306

6. Find and Announce Your Proposal

Last but not least, once you have submitted your proposal, find it on Post the link to official channels such as the xx network Telegram channel and #democracy channel of Discord. Get the word out so validators and nominators can learn about it and understand why and how to vote on it!

I hope this give you confidence to jump in!

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It’s nice but this has been already do and Democracy has been bypassed/violated by the team.
So you put 1.0 from the last democracy vote and we start from there again if you want to use democracy by let community decide or the team continue to force value itself by bypassing all but you can ask community to use democracy and after do dictatorship and ask again democracy for do already dictatorship. Democracy have voted 1.0 for everyone it solve all issues, bug, exploit and reimburse people who lost rewards since one year now due to error/miscalculation.

It’s an error since the start reported in December 2021 and solved partially by the community months after but reintroduced a second time by the team even before voting people have their coin unlocked for this vote because they trust the team work and this network but the team not seem to trust these people and bypass that even if they know they will cause another issue like the start and before 1.0.

SuperMajority can’t be used in this type of vote it’s useless. Team not participate at all even promote miscalculation and boost some validators even bad one. Most people think to herself ONLY and not think “community” even the team not seem to think/trust “community” after a vote so I’m convinced that’s useless. So please decide you do dictatorship or you trust Democracy but you set back democratically choose value and you let community decide about that.

The Council and Technical Committee that you are saying have acted in a way that is undemocratic and “Democracy has been bypassed/violated by the team” is not a “dictatorship” as you characterize. Powers are bestowed unto the Council and Technical Committee via a democratic process.

And the process which resulted in the change to the Regional Multipliers from 1 to the current values can be found below.

You have bypass a democratic vote who have cause lock period during months so during this “lock” period nothing should be modified at all if you respect your own democratic system/model. You bypass the will of some people who trust this network and the team and accept to have coins locked during months even if an exchange should be available shortly after.
This team forced change cause the exact same issue again than before this democratic vote and the team promise to adapt value if have issues with these values but don’t do that and now refuse to respect their promise again.

Tech committee was disable and you ask for enable this power ONLY for dAPPS who can cause issues and never the reason for revert a democratic vote. The CmixVariable vote was a SuperMajority vote but you bypass that with a SimpleMajority vote for retrieve dictatorship power by not write the truth to voter. CmixVariable bypassed without any community vote SuperMajority (who should be done before change any settings because in a democracy you need to respect the same level of vote) but even a SimpleMajority not come.

You need to choose between your own democratic system or dictatorship but you can’t mix the both when you prefer one or another because that’s not democracy at all. That’s sad for a freedom/democratic network to do that by behind and not solve issue who run since mainnet start when the team have itself recognized the issue before the vote and before the bypass.
Now the team seem not recognize at all this issue caused by miscalculation by the team who affect always the same people since mainnet who is sad.

The minimum on a democracy/freedom network is to be fair with everyone but you promote people who cause issue instead to be fair with everyone. It’s what the community vote goal but people who receive more reward in the area with most reward move to the new area created by the team for receive more reward again so these people receive more since 12 months because follow miscalculation from the team since mainnet start. I think after one year is the time for solve these problems.

If you not want do that and want to use democracy revert to the last democratic vote and let let people vote by herself using the same level of vote SuperMajority. Nothing so complicated.

Put new numbers that are calculated to your satisfaction in a proposal and to a vote. That was the whole point of this How-To.

Yes I do that my vote was refused by people who abuse of your error because it’s easy with a SuperMajority vote.

A second vote pass with 1.0 everywhere. One or two weeks after even if these people have multiple months of locking period when an exchange appear the vote was bypassed by the team.

Why try again when the team do what they want and refuse to respect what the team said to solve issue if these new numbers cause again issues ?
It was the case and nothing was done by the team and even now you not solve new issues caused by these new numbers.

Or don’t.