High-risk nominees with expiring TLS certs

By now most nominators have renewed their TLS certificates, but there’s one “at risk” validator whose certificates expire on Dec 25.

There’s another batch whose certificates expire in January 2024.

The team hasn’t released these node names, but nominators may want to stay away from them if they don’t update certificates at least several days before expiration.

As a reminder for non-technical nominators: updating takes 10-15 minutes, and a restart which in most cases goes smoothly, but sometimes causes the validator to not earn any points and therefore drop out of the active set, missing to earn almost anything in 2 eras.

I checked some nodes and didn’t find the one that expires in late 2023 (maybe it’s not active in the current era, etc.), but here are two other that expire in early January 2024.

  • Jan 10, 2024 - Kxj+VS19Yqc0LYfIkuIz7WREuVq0m+PBVn2ky+ama0EC
  • Jan 5, 2024 - mgRXOClgtGydGjMba/L/PB5vEhMvG1I41csTrbLVCvoC
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They’re same-dated.

How do you know you haven’t posted your post while I was composing mine?