Orange IV Node Application 12080206868

Respondent ID 12080206868
End Date 10/15/2020 3:08:42 PM
language en
If you have previously applied to be a node please provide us with your application ID.
City/Town Monticello
State/Province Florida
Country USA
What languages do you speak? english
What is your occupation? Software Development
Non-technical Role or Other (please specify)
How many years experience in your field? 16+
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA. BS)
Did you purchase xx coins in the xx coin sale? No
Are you an individual or a group? Group (please identify legal organization name & structure)
Node City Digital Ocean leased server
Node State/Province New York
Node Country USA
For which networks have you ever operated a node?
  • Bitcoin (BTC, BCH, etc)
  • Ethereum (ETH, ETC, etc)
  • Other (please specify): GoChain
What kind of improvements would you like to see in xx network nodes vs. previous nodes you have supported? Not sure.
What are potential setbacks preventing you from operating an xx network node? Cost of operations. I already lease the virtual server from Digital Ocean and if it drives the cost of hte lease up significantly I will not be able to afford it.
What is the maximum upload bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? Not sure without checking first on Digital Ocean costs
What is the maximum download bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? Again, I will have to check on digital ocean.
What is a reasonable uptime estimate you can provide for your BetaNet node? 90
Please estimate the cost of electricity in the geographic area where your BetaNet node will be running. again digital ocean would have to be consulted.
On a monthly basis, how much time can you publicly commit to dedicating toward governance if you were selected as a BetaNet node operator?` 99
In what type of environment would this server be located? Datacenter
If your server is located in your personal home, please specify the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). not applicable in this instance
If your server is located in a Datacenter, please specify the name of the company hosting it. Digital Ocean
Do you have past experience deploying hardware servers in a datacenter? I used to operate my own datacenter back in the day and I could re-commision my servers but I would prefer to use Digital Oceans services. However I do use CenturyLink.
Do you already own sufficient hardware to meet the published xx network BetaNet Node specifications? No
Do you have hardware you would like to use but does not meet the stated BetaNet node specs? If so, please provide specs on that hardware below:
Why do you want to be a node? Profit. However it does not seem likely this is possible using leased servers and given the expected bandwidth.
How did you originally hear about the xx network? Newsletter
Which current xx network communities are you a member of?
  • Discord
Are you an active member of those communities? No
What specifically, interests you about the xx network platform? not sure
Outside of xx network communities, are you an active participant in other node or developer community groups? If so, which ones? I write for Medium, use github, gitlab and write Go code for my own projects.
Have you ever attended a blockchain conference? If so, which one(s)? nope
Do you have past experience managing communities or creating content to be distributed across social media? Please enter details for all with which you are comfortable or have experience:
  • Other: I write for Medium, mostly about go
As part of growing the xx network community, are you willing to create content as part of operating an xx network BetaNet node? How much content on a monthly basis? I can write one or two Medium articles a month.
Would you be interested in helping to lead the development of the next xx network community? No
Why do you want to run a node in the xx network
  • To protect the privacy of political speech
  • To protect private personal communication around health and lifestyle issues from mass surveillance and abuse by centralized organizations
  • To promote quantum secure distributed systems
  • To earn xx coins
  • To help build David Chaum's vision of a decentralized world
  • To contribute to a promising project
  • To undo the centralization of the internet by big tech companies
  • To help build true digital cash to fuel a decentralized economy
  • To reverse the political centralization of legal, police, and military organizations which favor the wealthy and powerful
What is the difference between decentralized networks and distributed networks, and where on the decentralization spectrum do you sit? I am not sure of the distinction but I do prefer decentralized I think. I have never been much of a joiner and have a significan distrust of large organizations, governments and similar things.
As best as you can given currently available information, please describe the value proposition of the xx network platform and how it differs from other current blockchain solutions. I coulld not speak authoritatively on this.
Privacy by Default is a goal of the xx network Platform. In your opinion, why is Privacy by Default critical for the future of the internet? To preclude or restrain the growth of Big Tech and their abilities to derive profits from private data.
In your opinion, what threat, if any, do quantum computers pose toward decentralized systems? What about centralized systems? I have heard that quantum computers will be able to crack some, but not necessarily all, current encryption technologies.

Just so you’re aware of the specs. They can be found on page 3-4 of Beta Node Handbook

If you’re not going to use a GPU it might get expensive. We expect between now and MainNet nodes without a GPU will require a CPU with at least 40+ threads. In the long run we calculate it will be less expensive to build a GPU node.

US participants can’t get paid for running node, @Keith Am I right?

I’m from the US. What does that mean for me?

U.S. Persons are not eligible to participate in the xx coin incentive program for nodes, however, may participate in the network without coin compensation. U.S. nodes complete the same application process and, if selected, will receive further instructions via email.

FAQ available…

Should be clear about HW specs.