Orange II Node Application 11932347124, submitted on 08-25-2020

Respondent ID 11932347124
Application Date 08/25/2020 11:25:30 PM
Application Language English
Applicant City Santiago
Applicant State/Province RM
Applicant Country Chile
What languages do you speak? English, Spanish
What is your occupation? Non-technical Role or Other (please specify)
How many years experience in your field? 8-15
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Did you purchase xx coins in the xx coin sale? No
Are you an individual or a group? I am an individual applying in a coordinated way with other colleagues, but without having a common legal entity.
Node City Santiago
Node Province Santiago Metropolitan Region (RM)
Node Country Chile
For which networks Have you ever operated a node?
What kind of improvements would you like to see in xx network nodes vs. previous nodes you have supported? n/a
What are potential setbacks preventing you from operating an xx network node? Currently, I do not see any potential setbacks preventing us from operating the node. We are a solid group with complementary skills and with the proper conditions to do it.
What is a reasonable uptime estimate you can provide for your BetaNet node? 90
Please estimate the cost of electricity in the geographic area where your BetaNet node will be running. 30 USD per month.
On a monthly basis, how much time can you publicly commit to dedicating toward governance if you were selected as a BetaNet node operator?` 8
What is the maximum upload bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? 200 Mbps
What is the maximum download bandwidth in megabits per second your node can provide? 200 Mbps
In what type of environment would this server be located? Personal Home
Do you have past experience deploying hardware servers in a datacenter? No
Do you already own sufficient hardware to meet the published xx network BetaNet Node specifications (found here)? No
Why do you want to be a node? I deeply respect David’s work and I think this is going to change the world. I think timing is perfect for XX and I want to contribute to make this happen. I see an enormous potential to transform for the better many areas of life. I also think that the potential economic benefits are great.
How did you originally hear about the xx network? By keeping track of David's work.
Which current xx network communities are you a member of? Twitter, LinkedIn
Are you an active member of those communities? No
What specifically, interests you about the xx network platform? The democratic governance based on random sample voting, the functionality and experience improvements of the system (a communications platform with a digital currency integrated and the possibility of further applications being built upon it), and the technical improvements of the network (speed, scale, privacy and security). I think this is game-changing.
Outside of xx network communities, are you an active participant in other node or developer community groups? If so, which ones? No.
Have you ever attended a blockchain conference? If so, which one(s)? I organized and hosted an international conference in Chile about the future of democracy, in which blockchain technologies was one of the key topics. Bryan Ford (EPFL) and Brian Behlendorf (Hyperledger) came to Chile as guest speakers. At that time, I also organized a side event on blockchain technologies for traceability purposes in the mining industry with key national public and private leaders, following the initial discussions that the International Council on Mining and Metals was having on the matter.
Do you have past experience managing communities or creating content to be distributed across social media? Please enter details for all with which you are comfortable or have experience: Community Management Other: I'm good at making alliances but not with social media.
As part of growing the xx network community, are you willing to create content as part of operating an xx network BetaNet node? Examples would be node setup & on-boarding review vlog post, bi-weekly twitter update, medium review of on-going node operational process, etc. No
Would you be interested in helping to lead the development of the next xx network community? Yes
Why do you want to run a node in the xx network? To protect private personal communication around health and lifestyle issues from mass surveillance and abuse by centralized organizations, To promote quantum secure distributed systems, To earn xx coins, To contribute to a promising project, To undo the centralization of the internet by big tech companies, To help build true digital cash to fuel a decentralized economy
What is the difference between decentralized networks and distributed networks, and where on the decentralization spectrum do you sit? Decentralized networks have multiple “central points” or nodes, each of which connects other peripheral points of the network. Distributed networks eliminate centralization and have no point isolated nor dependent of another single point to connect it with the rest of the network. For a visual representation, check Paul Baran’s (1964) famous diagrams. I like EPFL’s DEDIS ideas of distributed: “spread widely across the Internet and the world”, and decentralized: “independent participants, no central authority, no single points of failure or compromise”. // I believe in the distribution of power and trust, for that reason I founded a Foundation to accelerate the transition towards a political system that’s aligned with this and that is coherent with nowadays technological opportunities and challenges.
As best as you can given currently available information, please describe the value proposition of the xx network platform and how it differs from other current blockchain solutions. I will repeat something I wrote before: I think that the xx network platform is game-changing because of its technical superiority (in terms of speed, scale, privacy and security), its improvements on functionality and experience (a communications platform with a digital currency integrated and the possibility of further applications being built upon it), and its democratic governance based on random sample voting.
Privacy by Default is a goal of the xx network Platform. In your opinion, why is Privacy by Default critical for the future of the internet? I think that in order to secure digital rights, freedom and democracy in the 21st century, we need to have privacy embedded from the beginning into the design and architecture of IT systems. In any other scenario, big tech companies and governments will be able to bypass the rules. As lawyer Larry Lessig has pointed out, the way in which technology architectures are designed is a “regulatory force” on our lives, as well as law, norms and markets.
In your opinion, what threat, if any, do quantum computers pose toward decentralized systems? What about centralized systems? Quantum computers have greater processing power than traditional computers. Large-scale quantum computers will be able to break the security of current public-key cryptography. Centralized systems are much more vulnerable. And, in many of the current decentralized systems, there might also be vulnerabilities associated to attacks to the nodes. I think we need to move towards designing distributed IT systems so that making them bigger makes their security increase.

If applicant can meet the equipment requirements, would be a good fit. Also, good location for xx-network exposure.

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Great attitude and seems very interested. Assuming buying hardware is not a problem this application look very good. Also great addition to the community.


Thank you for your comments @Bulldog and @redindian . It would be great to be part of xx network. Regarding hardware: for the best performance of the node, brand new equipment in accordance with the requirements will be bought and available within days of being accepted. Best regards from Chile!!


voted yes (good application, good answers, good location) . lets get him approved and see if he can buy the required hardware


Great attitude and seems eager to join the team.


I like good answers. let’s hope that buying equipment won’t be a problem. I agree

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Thank you.